Parish Council

There are 6 Parish Councillors for Roecliffe & Westwick.  They are as follows:

To view their profile information and register of interests, please click on their name.

Cllr Constance Pillar (Chair).  Responsible for Joint Parish Council Meeting and the Industrial Site.

Cllr Tim Collin (Vice Chair).  Responsible for the Industrial Site.

Cllr Joyce Reeve.  Responsible for Campaign to Protect Rural England and the Yorkshire Local Council Association.

Cllr Stuart Varley.  Responsible for Planning/Enforcement of Conditions/Conservation Issues.

Cllr Diana Bishop.  Responsible for the Industrial Site and the Yorkshire Local Council Association.

Cllr Peter Wormald.  Responsible for the Police Liaison Group

Contact the Parish Council through the Parish Clerk, Victoria Forbes via the 'Contact Us' page or

[email protected]